下圖是XAU 120 分鐘圖。紫線是2020元月中旬以來的主要趨勢線 -- 開始是支撐線,二月四號跌破後,變成壓力線。
回覆 楠梓客: ”應該“會小拉回再衝刺 16...
Gold Rides Apple Warning to Reclaim $1,600By Investing.com - 46 minutes ago 1
By Barani Krishnan Investing.com – Gold broke through the $1,600 ceiling Tuesday after a revenue warning from Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) saw funds flee from risk and into safe...
回覆 金雖:我覺得下半場很有可能衝破,準備微減碼少部...
回覆 vickyshen:感謝楠梓大分析,長期看您的分析,也感謝您...
Gold Rides Apple Warning to Reclaim $1,600
Gold broke through the $1,600 ceiling Tuesday after a revenue warning from Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) saw funds flee from risk and into safe...
回覆 楠梓客:[黃金身分複雜,中國買了不知數噸的黃金不...
過去美國常常對全世界喊 : 中國威脅論。
這幾天中國外長王毅在德國說了 : 美國是中國的威脅。
美國是中國的威脅,這是原本只能放在心裡不敢說的話,現在的中國變了,敢直接地說出來而且是在德國說的。這有兩種政治意涵,(1)中國翅膀硬了,膽子大了 ! (2)為何選在德國放話 ? 德國挑明了對美不在懼怕,我有靠山了 ! 。
中國採取多方進擊,而美國則無力多方防守(從美伊事件就被伊朗看出美國的軟肋)。中國囤積黃金是要重拾<<貨幣與黃金掛勾>>的政治意圖,所以直截從美元石油下手,因為石油是當今世界交易貨幣量最大的買賣,美伊較量不如說是中美較量。一旦人民幣取得1/3的世界貨幣話語權,美國自然會造成無法荷擔巨額的軍事開支,及發行美債等等問題 ! ! !
((未來貨幣話語權不在是美元獨霸,而是三權分立<<美元、歐元、亞元(人民幣)>>)) 以上簡略概說。
回覆 楠梓客:Wow! 說着說着,$1611似乎觸手可...
Top 5 Things to Know in the Market on Wednesday, February 19th
Investing.com -- Apple's sales warning is a dim memory as risk assets march higher, along with gold, on expectations that central banks will pick up the pieces if the coronavirus does hit the world economy badly. Five Federal Reserve officials' speeches today will test that thesis. Mike Bloomberg makes his debut in the Democratic Party debate this evening, and crude hit a three-week high ahead of the release of private estimates of U.S. oil stocks later. Here's what you need to know in financial markets on Wednesday, February 19th.
1. Melt Up; Gold touches 7-year high
After a sell-off that lasted almost 24 hours, markets are back in risk-on mode, convinced that the economic impact from the Covid-19 outbreak will be brief and manageable, and equally convinced that global central banks will support markets at current levels even if it isn’t.
Indicators of excess flashing red include a seven-year high for gold futures at $1,613.95, and another 7.4% rise in futures on palladium, as portfolio investors pile into a supply squeeze caused by production issues in South Africa and a surge in demand from the automotive industry, its biggest user.
That comes against the backdrop of another surge in Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) stock after analysts at Piper Sandler raised their price target by 27% to $928, citing the outlook for its energy generation and storage businesses. That means that Wall Street now has at least one analyst supporting the optimism of Tesla’s notoriously bullish retail investor base.
2. Fed speeches, minutes to provide reality check
3. Stocks march higher, shrug off Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) warning
4. Bloomberg makes his campaign debut
5. Oil hits three-week high ahead of API.
回覆 楠梓客:我建議Google一下,“如何找尋進場點...
請Google翻成中文 , 對某些人可能友善一點 . ^_^
( 用 Firefox 瀏覽器 )
回覆 傑生:請Google翻成中文 , 對某些人可能...
羅斯 掛鉤指示器 for MT4
Ross Hook Indicator
回覆 jerry101:這波應該會漲到2月底 完成第五小浪(12...
Jerry101 28樓・
這波應該會漲到2月底 完成第五小浪(12-1-2) 比較擔心3月後會不會續漲 因為沒辦法判定這一大波從2015/12開始 是走b波反彈還是第五浪上漲 。
楠梓客 ・29樓・
我的定海神針是下面的XAU、ANGJ月線對照圖。怎麼看都覺得這個衝刺波不是個短命鬼。 :)
楠梓客 2/21/2020
我要向Jerry道歉,沒有給Jerry意見應有的尊重。我剛剛翻閱我自己的舊筆記,看到一條,說5/4/2020可能是個低點。這個預測,方法太邪門了,這裡也不多說,但5月一號是低點,和Jerry的想法有點吻合。週末會再探研他的波段想法。 :)
回覆 楠梓客:Jerry101 28樓・這波應該會漲到...
楠梓大客氣了 我並沒有感覺到任何冒犯之處:)三月份後比較擔心的原因有三個 1.從2018/10開始 黃金月線波浪小五浪 走4-3-4-3-4 到2020/3月底為第4個月結束 2.如果沒有過前高2011/8 這波反彈從2015/12開始很有b浪反彈的感覺 而且2011/8到2015/12的波段時間有點短 如果視為a浪修正 (我真的很希望他是第四大浪XD)a和b的時間大略相符 3. 通常貴金屬多頭 金 銀 白金 都要輪流上漲 而不單單只是黃金在衝 這波幾乎都只有黃金領漲 銀和白金都沒有漲上去 有點擔心黃金的曇花一現