
最近美元和黃金同步上漲,小的百思不解。昨晚想了一下,覺得可能和資金逃離不安全區域有關係。今天早飯前,用 "capital flight" 和 "Sino-American trade war" 谷歌了一下,跳出一大堆文章,說的都是" 資金逃離"和它引發的現象。南華早報的一篇文章,標題和提要簡單扼要,我拷貝了一份,供有興趣的朋友參考。


Where has all the money gone? US-China trade war triggers capital flight from emerging Asian markets

  • Recent flare up [sic] in trade tensions between the US and China led to outflows of more than US$2.5 billion in Chinese equities last week
  • Inflows into global bond funds has been accelerating at their fastest pace since 2002