黃金期貨 29週週期?
回覆 楠梓客:...
現在是10:30AM (EST)。看來黃金會回升,至少到11點。接下來,交易員外出午餐,”家內無錨“,散戶會怎麼瞎搞,就不得而知了。
抱歉,原圖11:00標錯了,預測也錯了,local high 在10:53,11:00不是local high. Maybe the traders went out to lunch a bit earlier today Ha-ha!
回覆 黃金剩鬥士:我換個方式問好了. 這裡, 請問你的輸入...
先說圖片。我用的是免費的 https://www.investing.com/charts/live-charts。圖片展開後,上方工具欄上有個天平,點擊之後,窗口彈出,填入商品代碼後,可選 add or compare。你可以一口氣加上你想參看的股票/商品。你選的代碼會一一列在圖表左側 。每個代碼之右,有四個紐鈕。第一個管顯示/隱藏,第二管FORMAT,第三管刪除。FORMAT是總管,五門八花,最重要的是scale left, scale right, no scale。次要圖表,我通常用 no scale,主要是一直弄不清楚怎麼顯示左尺度。The first item format in FORMAT, controls everything about a chart. If the charts seem to be out of wack, play with the (%, ;log, auto) selections at the right-lower corner of the screen until the charts look OK.
I don't know how to include charts using links, so I use the most idiotic approach: I take a picture, get its URL, show it in a window, copy the image and paste it here.
不知道說的是你問的。[抱歉,中文打字笨手笨腳,總是lapse into English.]
回覆 楠梓客:先說圖片。我用的是免費的 https:/...
i think i got it!!! https://www.tradingview.com/chart/JJVfKGlv/#
ur first graph said it is power by tradingview.com, so i went there but can't get it to work. 多謝你的解說 , 受益匪淺!!!
我今天也出脫了NUGT. 希望有個中型回檔讓我繼續上車