回覆 客青島: 今天閒來無事,不知為什麼,門禁又...
這一段的原文:Mr. President, with all due respect, many of these workers don’t translate what you have done to them. They don’t feel better off. Their real wages have not risen in decades, and in fact for many it has dropped. They have less purchasing power; their health insurance costs more; they don’t trust their pensions to be there; and because we are a cyclical industry, they are frightened that something bad could happen at any time. Add to that, trade deals that they view as shipping jobs overseas and threatening the ones they have here. Top it off with fear about national security and potential threats at workplaces or movie theaters and you have workers who are scared, worried and concerned in their hearts and souls.--- By Debbie Dingell, a Democrat, represents Michigan’s 12th Congressional District in the House.
回覆 Safayang:沒錯,怎麼輸的,要先反省自己。...
回覆 客青島: 今天閒來無事,不知為什麼,門禁又...
2016 Election Post-MortemConclusionshttps://www.reddit.com/r/captainmeta4/comments/5c8e7f/2016_election_postmortem/If the Democrat party wants to put up viable campaigns in 2018 and 2020, it needs to do some serious soul-searching. First, it needs to listen to the political atmosphere. If this wasn't such a "pro-outsider" year, Clinton could have been a decent running choice. But it wasn't, and the DNC ran Clinton anyways. Second, Democrats and the media need to deal with the reality that people who disagree with them (mainly Republicans) are not automatically narrow-minded bigots. Third, they need to remember that nothing in politics is guaranteed. Finally, they need to root out all traces of corruption and scandal, and get rid of the Clinton stench.2018年眾院改選,2020大選,民主黨想要有效競選,必得認真自我反省。首先,党必須觀察民意,傾聽民聲。如果今年不是這樣的"亲圈外人",克林顿何嘗不是一個差強人意的候選人。可今年不屬於“圈內人”,但民主黨黨部還硬是欽點了克林頓。第二,民主党人和媒体需要面对现实,与他们意見不同的(大部份是共和党人),不能信手打為心胸狹窄的頑固盲從者。第三,他们需要记住,在政治上没什么保证,圈內人不能予取予求。最后,他们需要根除腐败和弊案,更要清除克林顿家族的恶臭。
回覆 客青島: 今天閒來無事,不知為什麼,門禁又...
It is totally over. If Trump wins more than 240 electoral votes, I will eat a bug. https://t.co/3eefhWzI3yWang ate a cricket yesterday.