The District Intelligence Section of Central District is handling
your e-Report of “Money Laundering” under our reference LM (538/21) in HK/C
54/6 (COM).
We regret to inform you that no money could be frozen in the accounts
and that the chance of recovering your loss is slim. Nevertheless, the
Hong Kong Police Force has notified the bank of the suspicious transactions
and the accounts will be suspended for further use.
Please be informed that the Hong Kong Police Force will only commence
a criminal investigation on your case if you could provide a witness
statement for establishing the facts of your case and provide all necessary
supporting documents.
Grateful to have your reply by 2021-06-07 to confirm your stance
pursue or not. Otherwise, your report will conclude after 2021-06-07.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at (+852)
3660 1176.
Best Regards
Detective Police Constable Mr. LAU
District Intelligence Section
Central Police District
Hong Kong Police
Tel: +852 3660 1176
Fax: +852 2521 9377