不負責任之走勢預估之五 (可討論,別傷害) - 第 5 頁
回覆 蘇菲:4面自己說的技術沒用無法預測,大户操控市...
This is special for you- A lot has changed as a consequence of the United Kingdom was voted in the favour of Brexit on June 23 including a change in gold prices. Gold has surged by 6.5% ever since the Brexit decision, gold has only been climbing higher by each day. Results from a certain research has predicted that the price of gold will surge by at least 260% at $5,000 an ounce by the year 2020. The prediction is quite bold and only three big catalysts can actually help gold hit a price of $5,000 an ounce in just three years and six months (2020). Let’s take a look at the three big catalysts that might make this prediction come true.
Whenever the global economy faces a crisis, gold prices always benefit. The post Brexit economy uncertainties will definitely continue for a while, thus helping gold prices climb higher. A lot of investors and economists have raised questions about the next country to drop out of the European Union ever since the United Kingdom left the European Union. There are talks that the European Union might actually completely dismantle over the next couple of years. The geopolitical uncertainty will definitely send investors rushing to invest in gold.
It is a fact that rate cuts lower the value of a currency. When the value of a currency decreases, gold tends to look more appealing as a store of value. ECB has reduced interest rates by -0.4% and there are indications of further rate cuts. And there has been some gossip about UK rate cuts ever since Brexit. Rate cuts, big or small will definitely aid gold prices in climbing higher this year.
The third and most important catalyst for gold prices climbing higher is the chances of gold trading at a discount. It is evident that gold is trading at quite a discount right now considering the Dow/gold ratio. The Dow/gold ratio can be arrived at by dividing the Dow index by the price of gold. The current ratio of 13.3 is proof that gold is trading at a good discount. Gold will continue trading at a much higher premium in the next few years.The demand for gold is rising in the Asian countries and will continue to do so in the next couple of years.
The above mentioned catalysts are only few of the catalysts that might lead to gold hitting $5,000 by the year 2020. There are various other small catalysts that might make this prediction come true.
回覆 Gm1:You can definitely h...
I’m not here for you at all, if you are not happy to see me, please don’t read me, even you can do block option. How do you think you can tell anyone not come here, it’s a freedom country and all I like to do is not your business. Please even not reply me “again”. Thank you.
回覆 東南西北:想先問清楚!因為本網站有新規定!可能我以...
回覆 東南西北:95樓的12345行欸!我就請你別顧左右...
我看錯行數了嗎 ? 還是你看錯了 ?
擷95樓的圖如下 :
你是在談你分析的正確率嗎 ?
抱歉 , 最近較忙 (加上我也不賣黃金) 所以沒有很關注你預測的精準度 ,
但記憶中 你似乎不曾預測一個明確的阿拉伯數字 , 都只是說"幾十元"之類的 ,
而我的預測 都是說阿拉伯數字的 , 像上回我猜$1444美元 結果只誤差1.58美元 .
預測是在猜轉折點 ! 才能計算誤差值(精準度) ,
假設 你預測會往下跌50元 , 當金價下跌50元的瞬間
如果你馬上喊"精準入洞" 結果金價繼續下跌了80元才往上轉折 , 那早先喊"精準入洞"不是很滑稽嗎 ?
倘真要比精確 其實還須猜日期 ! 江恩理論很重視這點 , 但我知道你不研究技術分析 , 所以不曾想和你爭論這點 .
大家都知道 國際黃金市場 不是小咖主力所能操控 ,
我想 你最簡單能讓大家信賴的方法 是說明你的明牌來源 .
回覆 局外人:這裡要的是同溫層互相取暖不同意見太熱心都...
局外大 :
難道你也認同技術分析無用了嗎 ?
你最初反對金大富 後來又說金大富厲害 ,
後來又稱讚無心大 後來又反對無心大的"2000之說" .
現在又只信"明牌"了嗎 ?
我並沒有尋求同溫層 ,
我不賣黃金 所以也不需要"明牌" .
我向站長懇求實行樓主制 其實是因為我沒忘記你曾哭訴趕不走"大神".
( https://www.goldlegend.com/thread/9494#p62947 )
我真懷疑你是罹患了"斯德哥爾摩症候群" .
我雖不贊同阿葇大批評你的道德瑕疵 , 但我對她的敬仰程度遠遠高於你 !
這也是為何你留下Email 我卻一點也不想與你私信的原因 !
就這樣吧 , 你自己珍重了 !
回覆 傑生:局外大 :難道你也認同技術分析無用了嗎 ...